The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 633: Nowi A

Ta-daaah! What do you think?

Wow! It's a dragon!

Pretty little thing, isn't she? Now you'll have someone to breathe fire with!

I-is she a manakete like me? Where in the world did you find her?! Hello, dragon. My name is Nowi! It's super nice to meet-

Huh? My hand just.. went right through her like she wasn't there...

Right. You can't actually thouh her. My magic is good, but not THAT good!

You mean...she's an illusion?

Yep! So, what do you think? Do you like her?

No! She's stupid!

Hey! I spent a lot of time and effort on this, you know!

I want a real friend! Someone I can laugh with and talk with and cry with! I'm going to look super dumb exchanging jokes with a mute astral projection!

Aw, nuts. I thought you'd really love her.

I know you're just trying to help, Henry, but this isn't going to work.

No problem! I'll come up with a better idea, that's all. Easy peasy. And as soon as I do, you'll be that first to know!

Aw, you're such a good friend, Henry. Thank you!

Nya ha ha! No sweat!